September 7, 2024

Nearing Completion

December 18, 2011 – So… this was a great idea… however in reality while working at our jobs, coming home at night and working on the house, finding time to eat and sleep and at least occasionally communicate with neighbours and family… well, updating the blog became a very low priority… sorry about that.  So, here’s an update:

  • We hung all the drywall then Dennis and his son taped and filled it.  Hanging wasn’t such a challenge, just kind of back breaking.
  • Electrical is almost finished with the electrical inspection set for Tuesday.
  • Plumbing is finished as far as it can be for now.
  • We are painting now.  Main floor is finished (except for a few touch ups); upper floor will be done today.  Then on to the basement level.
  • The rec room is now storage since we cleaned out the storage unit a couple of weeks ago.  So, the rec room will likely be the last to be completed.
  • Kitchen cabinets are due to be delivered on Thursday (or before) – then we need to get the countertop people in to measure, etc.
  • As you can see from the picture below the outside is finished.  Deck in back is mostly done with the exception of rail and steps.  I hope to get the steps done before going back to work on Jan 3.

So… there’s the update.  It’s been fun.  Stop by to see our project if you’re in the area. Oh yeah… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Not a great photo… taken in a hurry to post here!

We are building a piece on to the house and doing some reno’s to the existing house.  We finally have the approvals and financing so things have started.  We hope to keep a “journal” of our progress here so that friends and family can keep up to date on what’s happening.

We’d be happy to hear your comments, feedback and advice… but – at least for now – please keep horror stories about other renos to a minimum!  🙂

Greg & Sandy

Before anything started
Back of the garage before things got going
Back of the house, before things got going
Aug 25 at 5:00 pm!